Welcome to INdian CLimate INformation Explorer


Incline provides the public, researchers, government agencies, and industry stakeholders with essential data & tools for climate adaptation planning, building resiliency, and fostering community engagement.

Temperature Precipitation Flood Prediction Drought Monitoring watershed Delineation

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Climate Apps

Climate Impact Snapshot App

Climate change impacts vary significantly throughout India, reflecting the country’s diverse climate, topography, and ecology. This app is a great starting point if you want to get a quick overview of climate impacts in your region. The Climate Impact Snapshot App provides climate projections for temperature and precipitation using CMIP6. The app is designed to be straightforward and accessible for most users.

Drought Monitor App

The Drought Monitoring App offers an advanced platform for tracking and analyzing drought conditions by presenting critical indicators: SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index), and SPEI (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). While SPI and SPEI are key drought indices that assess precipitation and climate-driven drought severity, NDVI provides valuable insight into vegetation health and the potential impact of drought on ecosystems. Together, these metrics give users a comprehensive view of drought severity, vegetation response, water resources, and climate dynamics.

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Contact Details


A11-Building, 3rd floor, SCENE, IIT MANDI (North Campus), Mandi-175005, Himachal Pradesh, India